Support Ukraine

Western Ukraine

Dear friends, thank you so much for your comments, emails, text. Your kind words keep us going.

For those of you who don’t know, I am Ukrainian and I am currently in Western Ukraine with my family. I’ve shared an update on my Instagram yesterday, in case you are not on Instagram, here’s what it said:

Western Ukraine

This was expected (the war), but also something that you never hope to wake up to. Deep down you always believe the war would not happen.

5 am is when it officially began. My mom called to deliver the news. I woke up horrified and started reading the news. It was all real. All TOO REAL. The military state has been declared over the country. People are advised to stay in. Curfew has been imposed on the capital city, Kyiv.

We have been preparing for war, but one can never be prepared for anything like this. You see war in the movies, you read about it in books. But when it comes – there’s so much fear. You feel paralyzed.

There is a lot of news about attacks. Casualties. Bombings. There are warnings. People are very scared. I have cried too many times to count today.

You see police posts on the roads, you see military equipment and it all hits you. It is real. It is here. There’s war in my country. There is WAR.

People are scared. But at the same time we stand united. We all support each other in any way we can.

I am thankful for all of you. Your messages keep me going. They bring tears, but also smiles to my face. We will be okay đź–¤.

We spent last night in a bomb shelter. An alarm sounded around midnight advising all to leave homes and hide in anticipation of the bombing. It was rough. Cold. Wet. Dark. Scary. We slept on the floor, fully dressed in our coats, hats, and gloves. We are back home at the moment as I am typing this post. We’ve made arrangements for the night ahead to stay with a friend outside of town. He has a mattress for us to sleep on and the place is warm.

I keep thinking of peaceful times. The times we all took for granted. I remember the calm evenings I was happily making cards in my craft room and recording videos. Cardmaking is my passion and it is what keeps me sane during these uncertain and scary times. I hope to be back to crafting. I have a few cards I’ve made before the war and I’ll share them soon.

Love you all!

P.S. If you’d like to help Ukraine, you can donate to fund the Ukrainian armed forces. You can donate here. Or find bank details are below:

To donate in USD:
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA
IBAN UA843000010000000047330992708

To donate in GBP:
Bank of England, London
Account: 40000982
Threadneedle Street, London  EC2R 8AH, UK
IBAN UA843000010000000047330992708

To donate in EUR:
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe  14, 60431   Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
IBAN UA843000010000000047330992708

Simon Says Stamp | Simplistic Good Luck Card + Ways to Help

Simon Says Stamp | Simplistic Good Luck Card + Ways to Help

Good morning, friends. You might find it odd to see a blog post from me during these times.…


  1. Yana, we haven’t heard from you in a few days please let us know if you are alright, we are praying for you!

  2. I am making cards and watching your inspirational videos right now. You have become part of my life that has enabled me to share love, kindness, caring, and art with my family and friends. I am a better, more thoughtful person because of your influence. I send you and all Ukrainians compassion, love, and a great hope for PEACE. Be safe.

  3. Yana, we haven’t heard from you in 4 days. I hope you are safe. Your videos are inspiring. The news of Ukraine is scary. I pray for you every day with intense longing for peace.

  4. I will pray for you and your family. Even during a time of war; so close to you; you continue to offer others love, light and support. YOU are truly an amazing artist, blogger and person. May your country find Peace soon! SOON!

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