A Bokeh Card for A Blog Named Hero

Yana Smakula | A Bokeh background birthday card using stamps from Hero Arts and inks from ClearSnap

This post is also available in English

Hello everyone! I have a card to share with you today – its a Bokeh card for a Blog Named Hero Bokeh Challenge. I love bokeh, I love this effect on photos and also on cards, it gives such a nice whimsical look!

Last year before Christmas I made a few cards with a boken backgroud, here are the links:

Merry Christmas Bokeh Card Листівка щомісяця: Листівка до Нового Року із паєтками ‘Tis the season to be Jolly Hero Arts Neon Card

Today I’m sharing a similar card – a birthday one with a mix of blues and gold. I find these bokeh backgrounds so fun and easy to make! The trick is to stick to lighter colours of ink and use a variety of pigment + dye inks.

For this card I also used white embossing paste and gold embossing powder.

Yana Smakula | A Bokeh background birthday card using stamps from Hero Arts and inks from ClearSnap

Yana Smakula | A Bokeh background birthday card using stamps from Hero Arts and inks from ClearSnap

Yana Smakula | A Bokeh background birthday card using stamps from Hero Arts and inks from ClearSnap

Also linking to:

Декор для вечірки - подарункові коробочки із квітами у блакитних тонах

Декор для вечірки – подарункові коробочки із квітами у блакитних тонах

This post is also available in EnglishУ шостому випуску журналу Jot була опублікована ще одна моя робота –…


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