Simon Says Stamp – You Are The Best

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp - You Are The Best using MOD CIRCLE FRAME Craft Dies S274 DieCember

Because lets face it, you ARE the best!

Sharing a card using new goodies from Simon – the Mod Circle Die. Its a fun modern full A2 card front die. A fun one to use with different colors of cardstock and mix and match them to create cool results.

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp - You Are The Best using MOD CIRCLE FRAME Craft Dies S274 DieCember

For this card I also used the You stamp set – I think its one of my favorite sets. I keep reaching for it more often than for other and even though I haven’t shared a single card using this set here, I think I’ve made about 7 already.

Yana Smakula | Simon Says Stamp - You Are The Best using MOD CIRCLE FRAME Craft Dies S274 DieCember

Clean & Simple Die Cutting #36 Трафарет за допомогою ножа. Новорічна листівка Seasons Greetings. Відео

Після досить довгої перерви моя улюблена рубрика Clean & Simple Die Cutting продовжується! Сподіваюся, ви вже встигли скучити за…


  1. Sweet, Yana. Thanks for the idea. I liked this die, but really didn’t know what could be done with it.

  2. thank you, ladies! I was struggling at first, but seeing how different colors of cardstock can be combined using this die I now like it more and more 🙂

    micheleclay – there will be a video in a few days 🙂 its all nice and done I just need to write a blog post 🙂 so stay tuned 🙂

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