Layout Monday #10: Work

This post is also available in Українською мовою

This is another post from the new bi-weekly “Layout Monday” series. You can view all posts from this series by clicking here.

Today I’m sharing a Work layout. Yes, you guessed it right, its about work. I rarely scrapbook about my job and I probably should do that more often as its a huge part (and very exciting too!) part of my life. Among a few other major work things I run a small online store. When you are your own boss you seem to be working 24/7. Thus the subtitle reads 10 – 1 am.

This layout is based on a sketch from Art Ugolok. And its a third one, here’s the first and second layouts. This particular sketch seems to work great with any photo/product.

Layout Monday #10: Скрап сторінка Work

For this layout I used products from the Yes, Please collection from Amy Tangerine (here are some of my other layouts using this collection:  Adorable Kitty, Pancakes for Breakfast, You & Me).

A few details:

Layout Monday #10: Скрап сторінка Work

Layout Monday #10: Скрап сторінка Work

Layout Monday #10: Скрап сторінка Work

Layout Monday #10: Скрап сторінка Work

Листівка для хлопчика Wonderful Boy

This post is also available in Українською мовоюДитячі листівки на моєму столі з’являються доволі рідко, і напевно, дарма,…

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