Gossamer Blue: Inspiration Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to Inspiration Blog Hop from Gossamer Blue!

Gossamer Blue: Inspiration Blog Hop

If you arrived from Vanessa Perry you’ve reached the last stop on the hop. If you got lost or would like to start at the beginning you can do so on the Gossamer Blue Blog.

To tell the truth, I’m absolutely in love with October Kits! My favourite product, by far are the two rub-on sheets. I’ve already shared a card and video using those to substitute stamps. You can check it out here (its a video).

Here’s a close up of those run-ons:

Gossamer Blue: Inspiration Blog Hop

The two cards that I’m sharing today are both very simple and easy to do. And this is what I love about Gossamer Blue kits. All I have to do to make a project is take products out of the packaging and cards come together on its own. No effort at all!

Yana Smakula | Gossamer Blue October 2014 Cards

Yana Smakula | Gossamer Blue October 2014 Cards

I used products from the Main October kit to create these cards. You can check it out here, there are still a few left in stock. There are also some fabulous add-ons that go well together with the main kit.

Yana Smakula | Gossamer Blue October 2014 Cards

Yana Smakula | Gossamer Blue October 2014 Cards

I hope you enjoyed hopping with us and feel inspired to create something using the fabulous products from the October Kit. Thanks for stopping by!

Цікаве за тиждень. Спецвипуск #237! Хелловін

Цього тижня ми підготували для вас спеціальний випуск “Цікавого за тиждень”, що присвячений найближчому святу – Хелловіну! Листівка…


  1. Fabulous cards! I love the sentiment on the second card…so true! I’ve seen and heard a lot of good things about the Gossamer Blue kits but haven’t taken the plunge yet…maybe soon!

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