Just for you, Mom! A Mother’s Day Card

Just for you, Mom! A Mother's Day Card

Hello everyone! Mother’s Day is just around the corner so I though I’d share a one more Mother’s Day card with you (well, actually two almost identical cards).

So here is the card I plan to give to my mother this year. I think its perfect for her because of that grid paper you see in the background. The thing is, my mom is an elementary school teacher and here in Ukraine we have grid paper like this in our notebooks we use for school. See where I am going with this, lol? It makes my card a special one just for her.

Just for you, Mom! A Mother's Day Card

As always, here’s a video tutorial to show you guys how the card was made. Its super easy and there’s a system for that what seems to be a rather random stamping. Enjoy!

If you enjoyed watching this video, please click Like and share it with your friends. I really appreciate it! Thanks!

Just for you, Mom! A Mother's Day Card

Just for you, Mom! A Mother's Day Card

Just for you, Mom! A Mother's Day Card

P.S. Linking this to: Hip on Handwritting Challenge from Moxie Fab Blog.

Коротенька відпустка

Доброго ранку! Цього тижня я вирішила взяти коротеньку відпустку від традиційного розкладу роботи блогу і відпочити. По правді…


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